You captured the personality of all my grandchildren in these pictures. I love them. Even in the ones of Harrison and Luke, you let a little tree branch make them smile naturally.
Julie CrispSeptember 22, 2012 - 1:08 pm
I am so proud of you and your work. Our babies really look great in your pictures. These pictures mean so much to us and I wanted to say how grateful we are. They are a goofy bunch and you got them to behave too!! 🙂
Much Love
by Merideth
You captured the personality of all my grandchildren in these pictures. I love them. Even in the ones of Harrison and Luke, you let a little tree branch make them smile naturally.
I am so proud of you and your work. Our babies really look great in your pictures. These pictures mean so much to us and I wanted to say how grateful we are. They are a goofy bunch and you got them to behave too!! 🙂
Much Love