Samuel 6 months Saturday, July 10, 2010 Posted in Children,Family « Job’s Birthday Meg’s Maternity » by Merideth 1 comment link to this post email a friend Mare and LuisJuly 17, 2010 - 2:20 pm You all look so cute and Samuel is so grown up already! Brannon, how is motherhood? Is it keeping you from your studies? Stay focused and make that kid the son of a PhD! 🙂 Hi Wade, you look like a very good dad. Mare and Luis, broiling in Phoenix Your email is never published or shared. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment
by Merideth
You all look so cute and Samuel is so grown up already! Brannon, how is motherhood? Is it keeping you from your studies? Stay focused and make that kid the son of a PhD! 🙂 Hi Wade, you look like a very good dad. Mare and Luis, broiling in Phoenix